Owning a diesel can have its advantages- but more recent models will inevitably come with a sting in the tail- the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). These are the key to keeping diesel car emissions down, and in line with rules on air pollution. But to some diesel owners, these well-intentioned devices are very often a source of misery. The filter idea is pretty simple, as the exhaust fumes are forced through a cordierite mesh, catching any soot particles that might otherwise be released into the atmosphere. But of course what happens when the filter becomes blocked by the volume of those particles? This is the source of all the pain caused by the DPF.
MB Services are experts on how to clean a DPF filter
Fortunately, MB Services Yorkshire are expert diesel specialists with years of experience keeping them- and you- happily on the road. We offer Sheffield’s best quality car care, as well as great deals on MOT’s and servicing. And though we specialise in German manufacturers and diesels, we are more than happy to bring our considerable experience to bear on any engine problem! So remember, if you can’t clear it yourself, for whatever reason, bring it along to us and let Sheffield’s top diesel specialist team take the hassle out. We can even offer you a courtesy car! Most DPF problems are small unless left for a long time- chances are you will notice before it’s too late, and then it will be an easy fix with our top of the range equipment.
How to clear a blocked DPF filter
They trick to clearing a DPF filter is to react in good time. You will first notice the warning light- this means the filter is blocked but the situation could still be fixed. You will need to take your car out for a long drive- motorways towards the end of the day or at the weekend are best- with long smooth drives and consistent medium-high speeds. For more information on the exact way to do this, consult a diesel specialist or your manufacturer’s handbook. This will allow the engine to heat the filter (newer makes are placing the filter nearer to the engine so this happens faster), and burn off some of the sooty build up. This will take a while and if you’re forced to slow down or change direction, it can interfere with the process as the engine cools.
By far the best way to proceed with confidence is to contact a diesel specialist like MB Services Yorkshire, who can fix the blockage quickly and effectively- without your car even leaving the garage (and no they don’t just drive around in circles!). MB Services are German manufacturing experts, the guys at MB Services Yorkshire can use the latest equipment to run the engine to optimum temperature until the DPF is completely clear.
Sheffield is proudly the greenest city in Europe, and we should all be happy that the powers that be are cleaning up the environment, but the weight of a bill for a few thousand pounds landing on the shoulders of an unsuspecting diesel owner- nobody needs the hassle. So save the air around us and save yourself very nasty surprise, by taking care of your DPF filter.
Contact us today to see how you can get your DPF filter clean
MB Services Yorkshire is Sheffield & Rotherham’s top diesel engine specialist and supplier of remapping & ECU, DPF & tyre services. If you’re concerned about your diesel and want to get your car checked, or for any of our other services, visit us on Upwell Street, Sheffield or give us a call on 0114 2432469.